Chairman Jason Netherton
It was in 1981 at the age of nine that Jason was introduced to the Bukonkai Karate Club by his father. The chief instructor was the late Sensei Colin Williams 7th Dan, a highly regarded and decorated karate instructor.

Director of International Communications Junior Lefevre
When I was young, you had Karate icons like Sensei Kanazawa, Sensei Kaseā¦ and others, but time has passed…..

Director of Southern Operations & Compliance Officer Satinder Sehra
I started Lau-Gar Kung-Fu in 1979 when I was 8, with one of the greatest Kung-Fu fighters that this country and world has ever seen under Neville Wray.

Director of Northern Operations Dave Ward
Sensei Dave Ward started Karate when he was just 8. His England career has spanned over 15 years and has given him international status.